Fall Garden Tour

Fall Garden Tour showcasing gorgeous color and the best Fall Perennials

It definitely starts to feel like Fall when the leaves turn colors and the squirrels go crazy. They are hoarding everything in sight here in my  NW Indiana Garden.

Fall Garden Tour showcasing gorgeous color and the best Fall Perennials

I'm surprised they haven't planted the faux pumpkins on my porch. Anyway, I have put together over 20 pictures of my entire yard showing some Fall color and also the changes we have made this year.  So grab a drink and let's stroll.

Above and below you see we enlarged the garden bed in the front to extend down the west side of the house. I am testing out the theory of:

Just scalp the grass and cover it with landscape fabric and a new bed will be ready for next year. We'll see!

Fall Garden Tour showcasing gorgeous color and the best Fall Perennials

Fall Garden Tour showcasing gorgeous color and the best Fall Perennials

I'm excited to block out the last of my neighbors yard. See the lovely perennial now called Redneckius Jerk the  "Half cut Camaro" on a trailer that's been planted there for years now.

I have a nice Mock Orange shrub that I hope to get in the ground this week to start blocking that.

Fall Garden Tour showcasing gorgeous color and the best Fall Perennials

Fall Garden Tour showcasing gorgeous color and the best Fall Perennials

Fall Garden Tour showcasing gorgeous color and the best Fall Perennials

Fall Garden Tour showcasing gorgeous color and the best Fall Perennials

Fall Garden Tour showcasing gorgeous color and the best Fall Perennials

 Below is one of my favorite views of the front. All the color!

Fall Garden Tour showcasing gorgeous color and the best Fall Perennials

Fall Garden Tour showcasing gorgeous color and the best Fall Perennials

Below is the back yard. This bed next to the garage was also enlarged recently. A lot of shrubs in here started becoming overgrown so I took out what wasn't making me happy and had Greg help me take out the grass.

I bought five white daisy plants and some purple lumbago to line it and also brought a quickfire hydrangea closer to the front.

Fall Garden Tour showcasing gorgeous color and the best Fall Perennials

The bed now circles the plum tree and an evergreen I planted.

Fall Garden Tour showcasing gorgeous color and the best Fall Perennials

 An update on the Whitespire Clump Birch Tree. It has put on about 2 feet of growth and seriously leafing out. This tree is over 12 feet tall and if it keeps up it won't be long til I don't see my neighbors two story house when lounging outside.

Goal achieved! Making my own view. Also, the trunks on the tree have turned white. 

Love that!

Fall Garden Tour showcasing gorgeous color and the best Fall Perennials

I did some research on how to care for the Weeping Atlas Cedar and I'm glad I did. I would have killed it with over watering.

Fall Garden Tour showcasing gorgeous color and the best Fall Perennials

I think all plants love water like Hydrangeas and I get hose heavy and water log stuff. So evergreens and lavender are hard for me to grow because I think they want water everyday. They don't of course so I have to "neglect" them.

Below I planted Hidcote Lavender around the base of my concrete pot. The plants in the back seem to be doing good. I had to replace all 5 in the front. They struggled. I added in more sand to the soil, hopefully that will help.

No more wet poor draining soil. But, we shall see.

Fall Garden Tour showcasing gorgeous color and the best Fall Perennials

Fall Garden Tour showcasing gorgeous color and the best Fall Perennials

Fall Garden Tour showcasing gorgeous color and the best Fall Perennials

Fall Garden Tour showcasing gorgeous color and the best Fall Perennials

I bought a new screen door with the full glass profile. I love it, except for the fact that the back of our house gets full sun and in the hot days of summer that door handle gets hot! But I have wanted a overhang back here anyway so maybe one day I'll get one.

Styling up a back door for Fall using items you already have

Using stuff I already had, the door got spruced up with a wreath. To keep the pumpkins on the wreath I skewered them and stabbed them in good.

Fall Wreath

That's it for the tour, I hope you enjoyed it! I have been wanting to get this done before the weather turns bad.

Thanks so much for stopping by and I hope you have a great day!

Fall Garden Tour showcasing gorgeous color and the best Fall Perennials