Traditional Christmas Tablescape

Traditional Holiday Tablescape

Creating a Traditional Christmas Tablescape

That is the level of ignorement I will go too,
to avoid mopping the kitchen floor.

Traditional Holiday Tablescape

Guests coming, smuests coming

Traditional Holiday Tablescape

This is a much better way to spend my time

Traditional Holiday Tablescape

Looking at this table, it enables me to lie to you and to myself

like everything in my home is

Calm and Bright

Pretending there isn't an explosion of crap downstairs in my basement.

Plastic tubs filled with Christmas decorations that deserve names like

Thing 1 and Thing 2
Craft supplies  aka Pinterest fails
Purple Crap
Silver Crap
Just Plain Crap
Why didn't I throw this sh*t away last year crap

Traditional Holiday Tablescape

Those seems like organized names don't they?
But when you put on a label that says "crap" on something

Men tend to want to throw that "female" crap away

Traditional Holiday Tablescape

Traditional Holiday Tablescape

Maybe I will stick to labelless tubs of holiday "decor". So that ripping off the lid recreates the joy I once felt, in ripping the wrapping paper off a present like a 8 year old.

Traditional Holiday Tablescape

That says Happy Holidays doesn't it

Traditional Holiday Tablescape

Merry Christmas!