A simple fall tablescape using cream colored pumpkins.
It's raining here today, and it is not making me sad.....
the dark clouds, the thunder?
Love it! Although I think my ferocious 75 lb German Shepard needs to go on Prozac....
She is not liking the storms as much as I am...
Let me tell you this dog scares the UPS guy, the A/C repair guy (who btw was well over 6'6" and probably could play for the Chicago Bears) and anyone who walks up my driveway....but thunder? she goes to her cage downstairs.
ohhh well.....
My planters are getting watered....the garden is nice and wet...so no hose dragging for me today....yeah!
So, I can't get outside to pull weeds or plant my five dollar acquisitions from Home Depot...(I got 2 Oakleaf hydrangeas for 5 bucks each, score!) what's a girl to do?
I could:
put all the laundry away....hang, iron, fold....blah blah blah
Wash the inside of the windows before winter....pass!
Contemplate the future of the economy...did that yesterday.
Start dinner....nope!
I made spaghetti last night and we still plenty of leftovers to finish off
Do some more Fall decorating?
Get organized for my upcoming garage sale?
That sounds like a better plan.
so it is a simple little vignette for the kitchen table...
and paper plates and re-heated spaghetti tonight for dinner.
How are you spending your day?

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