Updating old wood windows has been on my DIY list for a long time.
I am really anxious for an updated look and also to see if re-glazing them will help with how drafty they are.
Even with brand new curtains they look bad. The finish inside and out is gone or peeling and has yellowed so bad I can't stand it anymore. #Dated #Hate them
It's time to update them and I thought you might like a little DIY on how to re-glaze windows. or see how we are adding wider interior molding for a more updated look.
I am going to do this DIY in a couple of different parts or this post will be as long as my Christmas Wish List
I'm sorry, but the only time these windows look good, is when they are covered with drapes.
If you peek inside to see the guts of my windows they actually sit inside an aluminum channel, so to take them out all we had to do was push the wood window to one side and it comes right out.
Here is my project list for this DIY:
- Re-glaze and re-paint the outside of all the kitchen windows
- Re-paint the interior side of the kitchen windows
- Remove the interior trim and replace it with wider trim
- Add crown molding to the top of the windows, so even without drapes, they look good naked (unlike me)
- Hang the drapes higher
You can really see the finish and age below and the gaps between the wood. I'm guessing it due to the age or the sill sagging down.
Or a bad measuring job, but I'll give a guy a break
Below is Adam, our handyman who is getting us started and tutoring us on how to do this properly then we will take over and do the remaining windows. Removing the old glazing is critical so the new glazing bonds and seals properly.
Unfortunately for us we are finding not one, or two but 3 different glazes on these windows.
Adam is using a scraper to go along the edges to remove as much as possible without breaking the glass.
However he does point out that sometimes no matter what you do, glass will crack so this is the point of the DIY you want to take your time.
Also to already know where you can get glass replaced, so your not scrambling. In our area of NW Indiana; Ace Hardware carries glass and can cut it to fit.
Wood windows if properly maintained can last for 100 years and compared to buying new ones?
I'll try this first and cross my fingers.
I missed getting a photo of Adam putting new glaze in the window. Basically he used a straight small putty knife and shoved into the crevice, not worrying about neatness at this point because it still has to be smoothed out.
I was at Ace Hardware.
There is a window glazing tool that makes this almost fool proof, if you have concerns about getting clean edges you can pick one up for five dollars at any home improvement store in the window glazing section...it's basically a scraper that's almost bent in half.
I took a brief video of Adam smoothing out the glazing for you to help see how easy it can be.
You may have to go over some areas twice....but glazing is like play dough and it takes 7 to 14 days to setup for paint.
Here is a shot with the glazing done
I am going to give the glazing 24 to 36 hours to partially setup before I start painting the interior sides first....I'll let that cure and put the windows back in their home
and then in 2 weeks I will take them back out and paint the exterior side that was just re-glazed.
Our night time temps here are around 35 degrees, so I am not pushing it with trying to cheat with shortcuts or rush this.
So far the cost for this project to do 3 kitchen windows is:
Glazing (x2 tubs) $13.00
Window glazing scraper $5.00
(4) 1" x 4" x 6' pine $24.00
(1) 8' crown molding in Oak $33.00
(1) 1" x 4" x 8' pine $7.00
Glass replacement $52.00
Paint & Primer $ 15.00
Adam: $100.00
Hubby: My eternal love and (1) 10 lb bag of Reese Cups
Coming up in the next phase of my DIY will be painting the interior side of the windows and adding the new wood molding and trim around them
See you soon, I promise!