Yard Art
Trash to treasure. One of my favorite things to do when I am not gardening. Turning something broken into something beautiful.
If you have read my blog you know I love lanterns, and living south of Chicago, I have to contend with windy conditions. Wind + lanterns equals broken glass. At least around my house, that is what it equals and this poor thing was on the front porch. The porch is supposed to be a safe zone. Least it was.
So when the last 2 pieces of glass broke on this tall lantern, my first thought was we need to move. After my frustration left, I came up with a better idea, Garden art.
I asked Greg weld this to a post and went peeking into his scrap metal pile so we could tweak this so it can be repurposed.
A couple pieces of rusted fencing and two 24" pieces of flat steel later and I have this.
A couple pieces of rusted fencing and two 24" pieces of flat steel later and I have this.
Can you see this baby rusting away and come Christmas filled with holiday greenery and lights?!?
I can!
For now I stuck in a thrift store vase and some cut flowers and Hosta leaves for interest.
It’s not going anywhere now, wind or no wind.
On the right hand side I dangled some burlap and let it fray. I am also thinking of adding long pieces of aluminum chain to it as well. I think the silver metal contrast will look great, especially after one winter and this baby starts to patina into rusty gold.
Actually, after seeing this big momma in her new home, I am thinking she needs a baby sister.

Thanks so much for dropping by and remember. Don’t throw it out, recycle it into garden art!