Garden memories - reviewing some flowers and plants in Zone 5

I  am re-configuring my blog because it's positively gross outside. Thunderstorms, and rain rain rain rain for 4 days straight! Hey Noah, where's the ark!!

I need some outdoor inspiration today, some goodwill. I looked for 3 hours online to see if I could transfer comments from a "page" to a "post", so I wouldn't lose them, no can do.

Because I need to re-configure some things on my blog and I need to delete some old pages to do it.

If Blogger were run by women, I bet I could do it...
Oh well.

All these pictures are from previous years...

My Grandmother (Eunice) always loved plants. Growing up, I remember helping her in the garden. It was a daily staple to have sliced tomatoes and cucumbers at every meal. Even breakfast! 
When I bought my first house in 2006 I started out buy adding 5 hostas and within 3 weeks

ta da!!! 

I had killed them

Needless to say I didn't think my grandmother was smiling down at me. A this point I was thinking that maybe I should have stuck with silk flowers.

But, I'm not a quitter, and neither was Grandma......

Years later I learned where to buy plants, where to plant them and I have also learned how to move plants if they don't thrive or to use compost.

Below are some initial garden pictures. Right after we had made new planting beds. The previous owner just had a simple row of Yew's that hadn't been pruned in 30 years and the roots were the size of tree trunks.

My house faces North, and has a substantial overhang all the way around, so  shade in the front is usually one of my enemies when I pick plants.

There aren't too many shade loving plants that grow 4 feet high! Take this hosta below for an example. 

Sun never touches this area, it took 4 years for this hosta to get that size.

But I work around it. I relocate plants, I build up areas with dirt and rocks, and I buy new ones.

The Astilbe flower is a pretty one for shady areas of your garden.

This pic below was taken back in 2010

Dahlias growing in the back yard. 6 feet tall! in one season.

Hopefully in about 4 more weeks I'll be out cutting flowers for vases instead of hoping my local grocer has some good ones. Things are just starting to poke thru the ground here in my zone 5 garden.

I almost started to tell you that Alliums are my favorite flower, but when I look at my Peonies, or smell an Oakleaf Hydrangea?

It's hard to have one favorite. 

Columbine, so pretty and it spreads in other areas of your garden thru nature.

and Nature always knows just where to put it. It's amazing!

Oakleaf Hydrangea

In the fall, the leaves turn a burnt red color and the flowers fade from a pale pink to a papery brown. It's great to watch it change.

Thanks for taking a stroll with me through garden memories.

You will notice some changes to my blog over the next few days, nothing major. I do apologize if you have taken the time to leave me a comment on old pages that is now gone
