Demoing my pantry and the hall closet...Part 2.
I am shocked, I have to tell you. Really really, really shocked. I knew doing this would be filthy. There would be drywall dust everywhere.
I also knew, that more light would hit the hallway by the front door and the entry into the kitchen would be almost twice as wide as the old one.
Well guess what I did NOT know:
I did not know that I would want to kick myself, for not doing this, the day after we moved in 8 YEARS AGO. Why oh why did I wait to voice my opinion?
Well, maybe it has something to do with hubby's response. Its ok, you can laugh...I did.
(after I told hubby what I wanted to do)
Him: Ok, we can do that. I like this idea.
Me: Uhh ex squeeze me, baking powder? What was that?
Him: Well this isn't like your other hair brained ideas.
Me: uh huh. (deep breath) Ok, I think what you meant to say. Darling. Is that unlike my purely decorative ideas, this is more functional to the male brain.
Him: Yeah, thats exactly what I meant.
Like I said in Part 1 of this demo project, we are demoing on the side of caution and budget. Well the ironic part is, we have already hit a snag in our budget because the 16 gallon shop vac we have had…
Lost its life in this clean up process and could not be revived. He will be missed. But his brother is doing very well in his new home. 

Below – hubby is using power tools to cut the drywall out instead of my method of slamming it with a hammer.
Which is good because my shelf unit holding all our dry goods is close by and getting drywall chunks in chips ahoy?
Not a good thing.
Below – the pantry and the hallway closet are now almost gone. And if you look thru, you can now see the foyer.
Now it’s gone. Oh and the dry wall dust you see? That is about a tenth of what we have been sweeping, and cleaning up.
I did a little sketch to help show you my vision. We still have a long way to go, but so far we are very happy with the progress.
and the light coming in…..
is amazing.
So far hubby has yelled out things like:
Oh look, I saved 4 steps getting into the kitchen!
Now I have saved 8 steps.
I’m up to 12, yippeee!
Just to keep a running tab of the costs for this project:
New 16 gallon shop vac: $153.00Tools, labor: Free
Any takers on mopping?
Anyone? I'll cook.
If you'd like to see every phase & stage from start to finish; there are links below to see each phase.