Craft |

There are so many gorgeous pumpkins out there if you spend the money. I thought I'd try a really quick and easy Fall Craft using a inexpensive pumpkin I bought at a local discount store.
I think it turned out rather pretty. I love the texture it has, and can you guess what I used to cover it with?
That's right, you guessed it, I used corn husks. A little hot glue and 20 minutes later it was covered. Not bad for a free fall craft!
A little tip for you:
The ends of the corn husks that like to curl and bunch up will not work so well. They will certainly glue up, but they didn't let the husks spread out. The wider the husk is the more it covers.
So cut those ends off after the husks have been dried for a day or two.
Also, be ready to use at least 30 to 40 husks for a 8" wide plastic pumpkin.
I didn't try to make the husks conform to the shape of my pumpkin. I let them wrap naturally and they made their own. I ended up with one good end and one not so good, so I made that the "bottom".
This is just a quick craft I did, because at the time, I was getting sick of seeing the same old pumpkins around my house and curious how it would turn out.
I had painted the plastic pumpkin white and hated it, so I really didn't have anything to lose.
I had painted the plastic pumpkin white and hated it, so I really didn't have anything to lose.
I used the same stem it came with from the store, but the next time I see a nice long gnarly stem on a gourd or a pumpkin I will be snagging it.
Unfortunately since I live in Corn field haven, you'd think that'd be easy, but apparently I am not the only one who likes the long curly ones.
But I am not going to stop until I get one! I hope this inspires you to upgrade those cheap plastic pumpkins and make them your own.
Thanks so much for stopping by and I hope your day is a good one.