Hi! I have been spending every spare minute I can with friends and gardening, plus Greg of course. I have missed you all, but it sure feels nice to spend time with good people and have fun! I have been wanting to redesign the front yard a bit for quite a while now so 2 weeks ago i pulled the plug and we started relocating things and buying new shrubs to fill the holes I made by taking stuff out. I tried to document as much as possible by video, which is my new hobby. So if you'd like to see what I am up too a lot quicker, you may want to subscribe to my Youtube channel. Lately it seems easier to post a video then to keep up with all the new SEO requirements and new dashboard blogger has. It isn't giving me any issues, I just hate change. Anyway, here's a link to my latest video. Enjoy! Random Gardening Projects...
Hi! I know you probably think I have forgotten about Blogging but I have actually been spending so much time with friends and outside gardening that is has kind of taken a back seat. Also, I am starting to move forward a bit and do more videos on Youtube and Instagram. Maybe my tastes are changing? I spent a bit more time on this video and it is a much longer one, it is a full garden tour both front yard and back...so please hop on over to Youtube to watch it. It's free to watch! July Garden Tour - The good, the bad and the ugly! ...
Hi everyone! It's hot outside and I have been spending every second I can in my Garden or with my friends, either in their garden or doing Community Gardening in our County. But I did manage to get some video of my backyard and how it's looking.  Here is Part 1 - please head over to Youtube and check it out! Summer Backyard Video Tour - Part 1 ...
Taking a garden stroll in late May early June in my Zone 5 garden is the best time if you like to see how quickly things can change. My garden literally changes almost every day, with new color sprouting up and old color fading off. Some tulips came early, some later in Spring. Then the alliums started blooming early. Talk about a show of color! ...
Let's take a stroll through the front yard right after a heavy rain to see all the gorgeous color. The Tulips are blooming, the drumstick alliums are budding up and even some of the ground cover phlox is blooming.  ...
Decorating the front porch with rustic style that's not only classic and easy, but it's gorgeous and timeless too. If I can toot my own horn. ...
It's time for an early Spring garden tour post mulch. This time I am going to do it a bit different this year and see what responses I get. ...
Pretty pink tulips with a moss table runner set alongside my favorite white square dishes for me, is a table setting that even in a couple of years will still look good. ...